Fatty symptoms of Chinese herbal plants

Chinese herbal medicine plants, like other crops, lack of fertilizers will affect their growth, resulting in varying degrees of reduced production, or even total loss. The symptoms of deficiency of Chinese herbal medicines are listed below for reference by the majority of farmers.
The nitrogen-deficient plants are light green, with yellowing of the base leaves, brownishness on drying, short and fine stems, and few branches (branches), leading to premature aging.
The potassium stalks are soft and fine, and the erect plants are easy to lodging. The edges of the leaves are yellow, scorch, and broken. There are spots of necrosis between the veins. The entire leaves are sometimes rolled or shrunken together with brown roots. Chinese herbal medicine with high starch content needs more potassium at the later stage of growth, such as yams, trichosanthin, and taproot.
The magnesium-deficient leaves turned yellow and the veins were still green, but the veins turned yellow, sometimes purple, and necrotic spots appeared.
The chlorosis of iron-deficient veins shows a clear reticular pattern. In severe cases, the entire leaf (especially the young leaves) is pale yellow or even white.
Phosphorus-deficient plants are dark green, often red or purple, dark green when dry, stems short and fine, the base leaves yellow, the flowering phase is delayed, and the seeds are small and not full.
The lack of boron showed the phenomenon of stopping the growth at the top. The young leaves were deformed and shrunk. Irregular greening between leaves and veins, such as "flowering and not realizing" of Amomum villosum, was caused by lack of boron and poor pollination.
Zinc deficiency showed a small cluster of leaves, spots appear on both sides of the leaves, the plants are short, internode shortening, postponed during childbearing, such as the pale seedlings of Coix seed.
The copper-deficient young leaves lose their green color, their tips are whitish, their curls appear papery, their leaves show necrotic spots, and they wither and die. If the top of the habitat turns white, it finally wrinkles and dies.
There was a small necrotic spot between the manganese veins and dark veins and ribs in the veins. For example, mandarin orange deficiency.
Author unit: 1005 mail box agricultural technology room, Peng'an County, Sichuan Province

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