Innovative soy milk processing technology

Currently, 45% of the world's soybeans are grown in Southeast Asia, and it is one of the most nutritious natural foods. Dry soybeans contain 18-22% fat, 35% carbohydrates and abundant protein (1 hectare of soy is rich in 162 kg of protein). Because soybean has low fat content and does not contain cholesterol, it can reduce the incidence of osteoporosis, which is extremely beneficial to the human body. Therefore, as consumers pay more and more attention to the benefits of soybeans, the demand for soy products such as organic soy drinks, tofu, organized plant protein and soy infant formula is increasing.

In addition to increased consumer demand, supermarkets and large supermarkets in large cities have also become major distribution points for new flavored soy drinks. With the increasing number of supermarkets, the competition among soy beverage companies has continued to increase. Therefore, the availability of high-quality soybean processing equipment to optimize soy beverages has suddenly become a key to winning in the competition.

Innovative equipment for efficiency

“As the number of supermarkets continues to increase, so does the competition among soy-beverage companies. As a result, the availability of high-quality soy processing equipment to optimize soy drinks is a key factor in winning the competition.”

For manufacturers, the goal of their development is to be able to produce high quality and cost effective products with advanced technology. At the same time, the technology needs to be reviewed to determine whether it can meet the needs of customers and the market. The Comitrol series of processing equipment developed and manufactured by Urschel has been used successfully in soy milk production plants in Europe, Japan and Thailand. Currently, manufacturers from Taiwan, Colombia and Russia are contacting Urschel for further production testing.

Reduce costs and increase production capacity

The main benefits of this device are increased efficiency and reduced costs. Since it can produce particles of extremely standard size to cooperate with the centrifugal separation operation of the decanter, a higher extraction amount can be achieved. Particles of this size standard contribute to a better extraction rate. Many users have said that using this device can increase the yield by 5%, which means that users can save 5% of soybeans by using the same amount of soy milk. In addition, compared with the general equipment, the equipment is responsible for the minimal wear of the shredded parts, and the user can save 50% of the maintenance cost. When compared with the traditional stone mill, the maintenance cost of the equipment is also significantly lower.

save energy

At the same production rate, the chopping action of the Comitrol processing equipment requires less current, so in the long run, the power consumption of the equipment can be significantly reduced, and energy is greatly saved.

Consistent quality

To produce high-quality soy milk, cutting the soaked soybeans into fine particles is a crucial step. Conventional mills can only cut out soybean granules down to 500 microns in size. However, Comitrol series processing equipment produces soy granules as small as 150-200 microns. This extremely small and uniform soy granule helps the process of rinsing the protein to proceed more efficiently and increases the leaching rate of the protein. It is worth mentioning that the Comitrol series of processing equipment produces constant-size particles in two simple process steps.

Preserving nutrition

Soybean nutrition is a well-known fact. Therefore, whether the preservation of its rich protein during processing is particularly important for the nutritional value of soy milk. In addition, if the protein is damaged, the quality of the finished product will be seriously affected. At a huge capacity of 5 tons per hour, the temperature of the product is not recorded at all, and the protein is not seriously damaged. The Comitrol processing equipment can retain a higher ratio of the original protein, so the finished product can taste unchanged and contain more Rich nutritional value.

It is worth mentioning that this process can also be applied to unsoaked and unpeeled soybeans. All of the above applications have been successfully applied to actual production and have achieved satisfactory results. At present, the equipment is still trying to produce 100% waste-free production on a production line that is completely simulated and has achieved very good results. At the same time, actual production will begin in August 2008.

How the new concept works

â—† General smashing effect

In general, the processing of soy milk uses a comminuting method to cut the soybeans to reduce the size of the soybeans. The general comminution method uses several kinds of grinding, pulverizing or tearing action. However, these effects can generate excessive heat to lower the quality of the finished product, and also produce a high ratio of substandard particle sizes, which has a negative impact on the yield of the equipment, the quality of the product, and the particle size of the finished product.

Innovative smashing schematic

â—† Innovative crushing principle

Comitrol processing equipment was developed for the above production problems. "Comitrol" is different from the above process, which means a controlled cutting process. Comitrol processing equipment utilizes the principle of incremental shearing, where the product is rotated at high speed by the impeller in a fixed cutting head, and the resulting centrifugal force moves the product toward the inner periphery of the cutting edge. The impeller then pushes the product to the cutting edge of the cutting head for precise cutting and comminution. This one-way operation is continuous and there is no random particle motion to ensure efficient comminution in a single pass operation. Therefore, even if the product capacity is large, the equipment can cut out the product particles of the same size.

In addition, the equipment is made of highly wear-resistant material, the cutting edge is made of cemented carbide, and the cutting head is patented Urschalloy head, which guarantees long service life and low maintenance cost, making it the most effective cutting equipment. .

to sum up

Innovative soy milk processing technology maximizes the nutrition of soy, while helping companies increase productivity and reduce costs. This will help companies to cope with fierce market competition and win from it.