Soybean Day Management Technology

1, early seedlings.

The farmer said: "The seedlings are as early as one inch, with a dung on top." The seedlings are particularly important for mechanical seeding or ploughing, and the seedlings are evenly distributed. The seedlings are then distributed in a uniform and reasonable manner to prevent seedlings from appearing in a timely manner, which can reduce soil nutrient and water consumption and allow the seedlings to develop in a balanced and robust manner, thereby increasing soybean yield. The seedlings are generally grown in the period of soybean seedlings where two pairs of opposite leaves are flattened and the leaves appear. When removing seedlings, diseased seedlings, weak Miaochuan, seedlings and hybrid seedlings should be removed.

2, weeding weeding.

General requirements to achieve three shovels three. Specific time: The first time around June 1st, the second time around June 20th, and the third time around the end of June or early July. After the third time, the soil was sowed according to the growth of soybeans.

3, see Miao fertilizer.

For infertile plots, topdressing nitrogen fertilizers should be applied according to the fertility of the soil and the length of the seedlings, and nitramine ammonium nitrate should be applied in an amount of 75 to 100 kg per hectare. It can be carried out in a ditching manner combined with the second-time spatula, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate can also be sprayed out of the root. Each kilogram of potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.5 kg of water to 400 kilograms per hectare. It can also be combined with aphids.

4, control of worms and borers.

Soybean aphids are the main pests that harm the production of soybeans. If they are serious, they will cause curling of bean leaves and spread of the virus, which will lead to a significant reduction in production. From early June to early July, if aphids are a target for prevention and control, there will be planting rates in the field. Up to 30% to 40%, 100 strains of cesium amounting to more than 1500, should immediately be controlled with 10% imidacloprid 2000 times liquid spray, and also can be used to prepare 2000~3000 times spray of liquid medicine with hydrogen hydrogen Hydrogen Chrysanthemum EC. The hectare use liquid 600 to 700 kg.

Soybean borer, in the early August of each year, enters adulthood and spawns, hatches into larvae and eats beans, seriously affects the quality of soy, and reduces the value of soybean products. At present, the commonly used method for preventing and controlling soybean borer is to soak 50 kg of corn stalks with 0.5 kg of 80% dichlorvos emulsifiable concentrate, and evenly spread it in l ha bean fields for fumigation control in the evening.

5. Clear the field grass.

In the process of weeding and weeding, weeds are often left behind. In the late growth stage of soybeans, the branches and leaves are luxuriant but they cannot withstand pressure. These weeds grow fast, the plants are tall, and they compete with soybeans for light, water, and fertilizers, which seriously affect the normal development of soybeans. So after the end of soybean shovels, in late July or early August, these large grasses must be removed to facilitate the ventilation and light transmission of soybeans. ,Promoting increased production. In doing so, weeds can also be mitigated.

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