Garlic diseases from September to October

Due to its mild climate and long history of cultivation, garlic has initially formed a garlic industry pattern. However, the pests and diseases of garlic are becoming more and more serious. The main pests and diseases include: root rot, leaf blight, purple spot, and gray mold.

First, the root cause: The main damage onions, garlic, onions, leeks and other Liliaceae vegetables. The roots resemble feces and are yellowish in color and 5-7 mm long. They are mainly at the roots of garlic, garlic, and garlic. They make the leaves of the ground yellow, the leaves of the leaves dry, the leaves shrink, and the whole plant die. . Once there is a root cause, the garlic field can be smashed within 3 to 5 days, and then transferred to other field hazards. Therefore, the prevention of garlic roots should be controlled.

1, prevention and treatment time: September 15-24 anti-2-3 times, anti-two times in late October.

2. Control of Pharmacy: The current emergence and non-emergence of the garlic field must be soiled with poisonous soil. Each mu uses 2 “bags of land” to mix 20 kg of fine soil applicator. After the emergence of the garlic field, “Ken” and “Enemy” each cover half a bag of “Thousands of Wins” and spray it with a bucket of water. Each acre will be applied with three or more barrels of water.

3, Note: First, when spreading poisonous soil must be applied to the garlic line, the second is sprayed on the garlic heart leaf and root spray, the third is more than three barrels of water per acre must be applied, four is the time of application of the most Fortunately after 4 pm.

2. Diseases such as leaf blight, purple spot, and gray mold occur in low-temperature and high-humidity climates. In recent years, the garlic production areas in our city have been seriously affected.

Control strategy: 1, formula fertilization, to avoid partial application of N fertilizer, cultivate healthy garlic sprouts. 2. It was found that the central diseased plant was held in time for extraction, and spraying protection was immediately applied. Chemical control: 1 Before the onset of the disease, spray with 50% thiophanate-methyl 500-600 times. 2 control of leaf blight with 50% Ye Ling Ling 1000 times or 75% chlorothalonil 500 times every 7 days spray 1, even spray 2-3 times. 3 Prevention and treatment of purple spot disease Use 70% mancozeb manganese per kilogram 160 grams, or 75% chlorothalonil 500 times, once every 7 days, even spray 2 times. 4 control of gray mold per acre with 50% fast-king 1500 times, or 50% acetaminophen 1000 times, once every 7 days, and even spray 2 times. Prevention of the use of pesticides alternately used to avoid resistance. (Hubei Dangyang Agricultural 110 Service Center)

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