Fertility Management Techniques of Jujube Tree

1. Autumn basal fertilization jujube tree (before mid-September) Shiji Fei, the effect is significantly better than the spring. The saplings of autumn basal fertilization germinate early, the leaf color turns green quickly, the date hangs long, the flower buds are full, and the fruit setting rate is high. Therefore, the sooner you can use it, the better. In the autumn, there is no time to apply or fertilizer is insufficient, and spring should be performed as soon as possible. Basal fertilizers should be dominated by organic fertilizers, and a certain amount of nitrogen fertilizers and phosphate fertilizers should be properly incorporated. In particular, unfertilized fertilizers should be mixed with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers to promote decomposition. Insufficient organic fertilizer or lack of organic fertilizer should be applied to all-element compound fertilizer or date (fruit) tree special fertilizer.
2. Soil Topdressing Generally jujube trees should have 2-3 soil top dressings per year. One is the fertilizer before flowering; the second is the expansion of the young fruit; the third is the increase of the quality of jujube fruit.
(1) Before flowering, the fertilizer is applied before the flowering of the jujube tree in late May. Its role is to supplement the nutrient required for flowering and fruit setting and to increase the fruit setting rate. At this time topdressing with nitrogen fertilizer, with the appropriate application of phosphate fertilizer. The general results of the tree topdressing each urea 0.5-1.0kg or ammonium bicarbonate 1.5-2.0kg, superphosphate 1.5-2.0kg, or 0.5-0.8kg diammonium phosphate, can also be applied to maturity of human excrement 15- 20kg.
(2) Young fruit enlargement fertilizer should be applied from late June to early July in order to promote young fruit enlargement and reduce physiological fruit drop. This period of fertilizer is insufficient, the fruit is small and the fruit drop is heavy. The dressing should be applied with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is best to chase the date (fruit) tree special fertilizer, generally 1.5-2.0kg per tree.
(3) The jujube fruit increasing fertilizer is applied in early August, mainly phosphorus and potassium, to meet the phosphorus and potassium elements required for photosynthesis, increase the accumulation and conversion of carbohydrates, make the jujube fruit coloring, sugar, The fruit is full and the juice yield is high. The top dressing should be applied to diammonium phosphate and potassium sulfate. As a result, 0.5-0.7 kg of each tree can be applied per plant, or 1.5-2.0 kg of professional fertilizer of jujube trees.
3. Fertilizer foliar fertilizer spray leaves, according to the nutritional status of different growth periods, use different fertilizers and concentrations.

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