Schisandra Flowering and Fruit Dropping

First, weeds caused by herbicide damage. (1) Symptoms: In the spring, the new leaves are curled. In severe cases, the leaves are black and withered. The herbicides in the flowering stage cause injury, the petals are wilting, the petals are shed early, the pollen vitality is reduced or died, pollination is difficult, and flowers are not present. (2) Reason: 2,4-D butyl ester phytotoxicity; (3) Preventive measures: 1 It is recommended to use 2,4-D isooctyl ester instead of 2,4-D butyl ester. 2 Symptoms can be found with a 500-fold yellow humic acid foliar spray.

Second, low temperature, freezing damage caused by falling flowers. The late spring frost caused the destruction of the growth tissue of Schisandra, and the appearance of physiological tissue disrupted flowering and Fruit falling.

Third, pruning unreasonable causes falling flowers and falling fruit. The main reason is that the pruning in the management process of schisandra is irrational, and the ratio of development branches and result branches and the irrational structure result in falling flowers and falling fruit. Each schisandra seed needs about 50 healthy functional leaves to provide nutrients. Once the proportion of leaves and ears is unreasonable, it will inevitably lead to undernutrition. The solution is to adjust the pruning method and try to ensure that the ratio of the resulting branches, pregnant buds and functional branches is 1:1:1.

Fourth, the lack of trace elements caused by falling flowers. The lack of trace elements and imbalance will lead to a large number of physiological fruiting and fruiting of Schisandra, especially the lack of boron, which will directly lead to flowering and flowering. The solution is to top-dress fertilizers and fertilize the leaves regularly to maintain the balance of various trace elements in the schisandra plants.

Fifth, drastic changes in the environment caused by falling flowers. The long-term cold and rainy season suddenly increased the temperature, impeding the physiological function of Schisandra itself can not adapt to the changes in the environment, resulting in imbalance of nutrient distribution within the plant, resulting in imbalance of nutrient distribution, resulting in falling flower, fruit drop, generally appear in July-August After a steady temperature, it disappears naturally.

In order to prevent the phenomenon of falling flowers and fruit, it is generally necessary to strengthen the management of the early growth period of Schisandra, so that balanced fertilization, increase tree vigor, and strengthen Schisandra's own resistance to adverse environments.

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