North Black (Sweet Sweet) Corn Cultivation Technique

Black wolfberry (sweet) corn is aromatic, sweet, sticky, and tender. It is extremely delicious, has high nutrition, high nourishing, high immune function, and can be used for food and food, and is deeply loved by consumers. It can be planted in spring and summer. The planting technology is basically the same as that of ordinary corn. The main technologies are as follows:

1. Rinse mouth arrangement and species selection: First, it must be based on the time to market, followed by information on processing capacity and market demand. At present, black corn varieties commonly used in production include Italian black corn, Korean black sweet corn, and black corn.

2. Isolation planting: Black corn and common corn must be planted separately to prevent stringing, affecting quality and coloration. The first is the distance isolation method. There is no other corn planting within 350-400 meters around the field where black corn is grown. The second is the time isolation method. Instead of sowing other corn varieties 20 days before and after sowing the black corn, stagger the timing of corn flowering and pollination to prevent stringing.

3, seed treatment: sowing before sowing. Black corn seeds are small and not full. Store less nutrients. About 7 days before sowing, the seeds were dried and the seeds were separated and seeded separately to strive for consistency.

4. Fine sowing: spring sowing at the end of March, summer sowing at the end of July. The ability of black corn to germinate and bury earth is relatively weak. We must choose good fertility, moderate pH, convenient irrigation and drainage, and planting at the end of the foot. To fine-tune the site, broadcast a detailed broadcast.

5. Reasonable dense planting: The planting density of black corn should be determined according to the variety characteristics, soil fertility, sowing date, planting method and market demand. The general density is 3000 to 3500/mu.

6. Field management: In the period of 3 to 4 leaves, seedlings and transfer seedlings are planted and planted. When transplanting seedlings, soil should be taken and watered immediately after planting, preferably in the evening or on cloudy days. When the leaves were 5 seedlings, 1 seedling was planted at each point, and the soil was jointed before the big horn period. Black corn has a lot of tillering characteristics, and it should be removed as soon as possible to avoid damage to the main stem and leaves. In the jointing stage, heading flowering stage and grain filling stage, a top dressing was performed.

7. Artificial Pollination: Due to the high density of black corn, the leaves are shaded from each other, pollination is poor, and thin-grained baldness appears easily. Therefore, the pollen must be collected artificially at the flowering stage and granted to the ears. The cultivation is carried out every day from 10 to 11 o'clock in the morning for 3 to 5 consecutive days.

8. Pest Control: Based on the implementation of comprehensive agricultural control measures, the corresponding pesticides should be used, but care should be taken not to use pesticides with large residues and long residual periods, and they should be used 20 days before listing. Corn borer has black corn Larger hazards not only affect the yield, but also affect the appearance of the ear and the grade of the commodity. They should be controlled on the basis of crop rotation, removal of corn stalks in the field, etc., but it is best to use biological agents to prevent and control: 50 ml of Bt emulsion per mu. , jointing period mu Jing Jingmycin 100 ml watered 50 kg foliar spray, prevention and treatment of large-scale spot and sheath blight 2 times. Interval 10 to 15 days.

9. Timely harvesting: The highest sugar content is 22 to 28 days after silking, and the thinnest skin is the most suitable for harvesting. Early and late harvest will affect the quality and taste of black corn. When processing and selling, it is advisable to steam steam the water, and do not boil it so as not to degrade the quality of the black corn.

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