"Cuixiang" kiwi cultivation points

“Cuixiang” kiwifruit is a medium-early-maturing kiwifruit variety. Now we introduce its cultivation techniques:

1. The garden site should be selected to be rich in fertile organic-rich sandy soil, light soil, and loamy soil. Areas with drainage and irrigation conditions should be used as a garden. Acre planted 55-74 strains.

2. The male and female plants were arranged and pollinated with male and female plants 6-8:1 and planted using the matching male strain Qin Xiong 401 strain. Insufficient number of insects during the flowering period, poor natural conditions, artificial auxiliary mother branches must be carried out.

3, the first year after orthopedics is planted, dry, full and robust at the bud, a single trunk once shelves. After putting on the shelves, two main vines were separated and the center wire smoothly extended to both sides. The main vines left the resulting mother branches.

4. Pruning removes dense branches, fine and weak senescent shoots and diseased shoots. In the fruiting period, leave 20 to 25 mother trees per plant and leave 10 to 15 buds for each branch.

5. Fertilization (1) Basal fertilizer: After picking fruit, apply 3000 kg/mu of organic fertilizer before freezing, and apply a certain amount of chemical fertilizer (about 60% of the annual fertilization amount). (2) Top-dressing: Top-dressing during the growing season is generally divided into three applications, namely, budding, fruit expansion, and fruit growth.

6. The peak water demand of the kiwifruit during the year of irrigation is the pre-flowering stage, the post-flowering stage, the fruit expansion stage, and the winter dormancy period. In the peak period of demand, if there is not enough rainwater, it should be timely watered.

7. Priority should be given to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests by using agricultural measures. Black light, frequent insecticidal lamp, and high-pressure mercury lamp are used to trap and kill pests and mechanically kill pests. At the same time, fertilizing water is added to increase the resistance of trees.



African Horse Sickness

African Swine Fever

Aino Disease


Amblyomma hebraeum

Amblyomma variegatum

American Cattle Tick

See: Boophilus annulatus


Aujeszky`s Disease

Avian Influenza

Avian Mycoplasmosis



See: Cat Scratch Disease


Blue Eye Disease


Boophilus annulatus

Boophilus microplus


Bovine Babesiosis

Bovine Ephemeral Fever

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Bovine Tuberculosis

Brown Ear Tick

See: Rhipicephalus appendiculatus

Brucella abortus

Brucella canis

Brucella melitensis

Brucella ovis

Brucella suis


Brucellosis (Marine Mammals)




Canine Influenza

Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis

Castor Bean Tick

See: Ixodes ricinus

Cat Scratch Disease

Cattle Fever

See: Bovine Babesiosis

Chagas (Trypanosomiasis-American)

Chlamydiosis (Avian)

Chlamydiosis (Mammalian)


Chronic Wasting Disease

Classical Swine Fever


Coggins Disease

See: Equine Infectious Anemia

Contagious Agalactia

Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia

Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia

Contagious Ecthyma

Contagious Equine Metritis


See: Q Fever

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever




See: Taenia





Duck Virus Enteritis

Duck Virus Hepatitis


Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis

Ebola Virus Disease


Egg Drop Syndrome


Enterovirus Encephalomyelitis

Epizootic Hematopoietic Necrosis

Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease

Epizootic Lymphangitis

Epsilon Toxin of Clostridium perfringens

Equine Babesiosis

See: Equine Piroplasmosis

Equine Encephalitides

Equine Infectious Anemia

Equine Piroplasmosis

Equine Viral Arteritis

Escherichia coli 0157:H7

Exotic Ticks

See: Ticks (Exotic)


Veterinary Products

Ivermectin Injection,Veterinary Injection,Veterinary Products,Veterinary Tablet

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