Three details easily overlooked in current greenhouse vegetable management

Detail one: Ventilation should be carried out in several stages

In the current greenhouse, the night temperature is low and the humidity is high. This causes a large amount of fog to condense on the leaves of the vegetables and on the surface of the fruit, which is prone to condensation. In response to this situation, ventilation should be carried out gradually. In the sunny days, the carbon dioxide concentration in the air in the shed was the highest. In order to ensure the carbon dioxide demand of vegetables in the shed, the carbon dioxide would not be wasted due to ventilation. At this time, do not rush to ventilate. Ventilate again in 1 hour. When the air is ventilated, a small mouth is opened. The main purpose of this time is to slowly discharge the moisture in the shed to prevent the dew on the surface of the fruit from driping and causing cracking. As the temperature in the shed increases, the air vents are gradually increased to facilitate the entry of carbon dioxide outside the shed into the shed to promote the photosynthesis of vegetables. Do not close the vents all at once in the afternoon, because the temperature in the shed will rise after the vents are closed. This can easily cause the night temperature to become too high after covering the grasshoppers, and increase the respiration of the organic matter produced by the plants. The vents should be closed gradually. The vents can be closed halfway and the vents closed completely after 30 minutes. Alternatively, the vents can be closed first, and then the vents can be opened and ventilated to reduce the temperature for 10 to 15 minutes. This is repeated twice. When the temperature in the tent is stable at about 15°C, the vents can be completely closed.

If you encounter cloudy days and the outside temperature is low, the greenhouse should be insulated, but it should not be unventilated. If it is not ventilated, the humidity in the greenhouse is too large, which will provide conditions for the spread and spread of the disease.

Ventilation should be carried out between 12 noon and 2 pm. Ventilation openings should be 10 cm wide. Ventilation should be 10-15 minutes each time. Ventilation should be performed once every 20-30 minutes. Continuous ventilation can be performed 2 or 3 times. Very good dehumidification.

Detail 2: Adding light is a must

After entering the winter, lack of light has become an important cause of the increase in vegetable production. Most growers know that setting up a light curtain in a shed is conducive to the growth of vegetables. However, some vegetable farmers hang the reflective screen too low, and the vegetable plants can easily block the light, which results in poor use of the reflective screen. When hanging the light curtain, a light curtain with a width of 1 to 1.2 meters should be hung on the back wall at a height of 1.7 meters. Do not hang the light curtain on the entire back wall of the shed to prevent it from reducing the heat storage capacity of the back wall.

For vegetables such as cucumbers and loofahs, which require strong light, special light can be installed in the shed to fill the light for 2 to 3 hours, prolonging the time for the vegetable to see light, so as to promote the accumulation of organic matter in vegetables and increase the yield.

Detail 3: Hanging Hygrometer in Shed

Controlling humidity is one of the focuses of vegetable management in winter greenhouses. Now, many vegetable farmers know that the humidity in the shed is between 70% and 80%. However, because many sheds do not have hygrometers attached, vegetable growers cannot accurately control the humidity in the shed, resulting in multiple diseases. Therefore, hygrometers should be hung in the shed, which is especially important for newcomers to vegetables. When the humidity in the greenhouse is too large, the vegetable grower can reduce the humidity through ventilation, and can also apply the plant ash to the ground to reduce the humidity.

Genmaicha ("Brown rice tea"), is a Japanese brown rice green tea consisting of green tea mixed with roasted popped brown rice. It is sometimes referred to colloquially as "popcorn tea" because a few grains of the rice pop during the roasting process and resemble popcorn, or as "people's tea", as the rice served as a filler and reduced the price of the tea, making it more available for poorer Japanese. Today all segments of society drink genmaicha.It was also used by people fasting for religious purposes or who found themselves to be between meals for long periods of time.The sugar and starch from the rice cause the tea to have a warm, full, nutty flavor. It is considered easy to drink and to make the stomach feel better.Tea steeped from genmaicha has a light yellow hue. Its flavor is mild and combines the fresh grassy flavor of green tea with the aroma of the roasted rice. Although this tea is based on green tea, the recommended way to brew this tea is different: the water should be at about 80–85 Â°C (176–185 Â°F), and a brewing time of 3–5 minutes is recommended, depending on desired strength.

Organic Genmaicha

Genmaicha Tea,Organic Genmaicha,Genmaicha Green Tea,Organic Genmaicha Tea