Technical regulations for production of pollution-free sweet (spicy) pepper in plastic greenhouses in early spring

Pest Control

1. Principles of prevention and control In accordance with the plant protection policy of “prevention first, comprehensive prevention and control,” adhere to the principle of harmless control based on “agricultural control, physical control, biological control, and chemical control as the supplements” and meet the requirements of DB37/T323. .

2. Major diseases and insect pests such as damping-off disease, epidemic disease, gray mold, root rot, virus disease, aphids, tea-yellowing, and tobacco whitefly.

3. Agricultural control

(1) Selection of disease-resistant varieties According to local disease occurrence, targeted high-resistance varieties were selected.

(2) The fitness cultivation shall be carried out for 3 to 5 years of rotation, deep-seed cultivation, cultivation of strong seedlings, creation of suitable fertility conditions, addition of harmless organic fertilizer, and appropriate use of chemical fertilizers.

(3) The clean garden shall timely remove the diseased leaves, diseased flowers, diseased fruits, and old leaves that have lost their functions and be destroyed centrally.

4. Physical control

(1) The yellow board traps the yellow armyworm board to trap and kill pests such as whitefly, aphid and spotted fly. The size is 25 cm and 30 cm. It is hung above the top of the plant, and 30 to 40 blocks per 667 m2. When the yellow board is full of insects, apply oil once more, usually recoating it 7 to 10 days.

(2) The silver gray film avoids hanging silver ash strips around the shed. The strips are 15 cm wide and 15-20 cm apart.

5. Biological control

(1) When the adults of Acaroid mites were found in the larvae of the larvae, the larva was added. Generally, 10,000 bees are released every 667m2. When there are more than 5 adult whiteflies, they can be controlled with one chemical agent, and the base number is lowered. The bees are released after one week.

(2) Bio-pharmaceuticals can be controlled by spraying 150-200 times of wuwumycin water to control gray mold, leaf mold, and early blight. 72% of agricultural streptomycin sulfate soluble powder 3000 to 4000 times, or 25% of the wet powder WP 500 times, or 1 million units of neomycin, 3000 to 4000 times spray to prevent bacterial diseases.

6. Chemical control

Strict implementation of relevant state regulations prohibits the use of highly toxic, high-level, high-residue pesticides. The use of pesticides should comply with the provisions of GB 4285 and GB/T 8321. Pesticides are used alternately and strictly in accordance with pesticide safety intervals.

(1) Bacterial disease per square meter of seedbed with 72.2% propamocarb hydrochloride solution 6 ml plus 70% imidacloprid water dispersible granules 1 gram, mixed and diluted with water 2 ml, respectively, in the two true leaf spray 1 time , Irrigate the roots 3 to 5 days before transplanting. It can effectively control the damping-off disease, disease, whitefly, and roundworm at the seedling stage, and at the same time prevent the occurrence of viral diseases.

(2) Following the colonization of the epidemic disease, 68.75% of Fusarium oxyfluidone suspension agent should be used to irrigate the roots with 800 ml of liquid per plant. After irrigation, the soil should be kept moist or sprayed on the stem base and all the leaves near the ground. Also available are 72% cream urea manganese zinc wettable powder 600 to 800 times liquid, or 80% mancozeb WP wettable powder 500 times, or 70% calcium aluminum phosphate manganese zinc wettable powder 500 times spray, every 7 to 10 days control once, continuous control 2 to 3 times.

(3) Gray mold can be used 50% azoxystrobin wettable powder 1000 to 1500 times, 40% pyrimethanil suspension 1000 to 1200 times, or 40% pyrimethanil suspension 1200 times and 50% isoprenil Wettable powder 1200 times liquid mixture, or 50% iprodione WP 800 times, or 50% procymidone wettable powder 800 times spray, control every 7 to 10 days, continuous control 2 to 3 times .

(4) Virus disease can be sprayed with 1.5% plant disease, Ling EC 1000 times, or 20% virus A wettable powder 500 times, or 50% Bacteria water 200 times.

(5) Root rot can be sprayed with 50% carbendazim WP 500 times, or 40% EDP WP 400 times.

(6) Aphids, whiteflies, and thrips were sprayed at the initial stage of young nymphs. Each 667m2 was sprayed with 70% imidacloprid water dispersible granules 3 to 4 grams, and evenly sprayed with 30 kilograms of water.

(7) T. astragalii and T. urticae were uniformly sprayed with 24% spironolactone 4000 to 5000 times when the larvae were harmful.


35 to 40 days after flowering, the fruit grows, the pulp thickens, the peel becomes hard and shiny, and the fruit color darkens and collects before turning red.

Production file

Establish a production file, record in detail the field production data usage records, production management records, harvest records, product inspection records and other relevant quality traceability records, and keep it for more than 3 years for reference.

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