Strawberry Storage and Preservation

Storage and Preservation of Strawberries I. Preparation before Storage
1, the determination of fruit maturity: maturity first affect the quality of the fruit, according to the color of the fruit area, maturity can be divided into 1/4, 2/4, 3/4 and all the coloring 4 process. 3/4 of the colored fruit had a strong aroma after storage for 24 hours, and the maturity of the harvested fruit was suitable for 3/4 coloring (ie, ripening of 78).
2. Harvest: The ripening period of strawberry fruit is different and it should be harvested by stages. Harvesting should be carried out in the morning or in the evening, with the flower pods removed from the handle to avoid finger touching the fruit. The fruit is sorted and graded to reduce the mechanical damage caused by turning.
3. Fruit selection: After harvesting, the strawberries should be removed in time for fruit and mechanical damage. The decay of healthy fruit during the storage period is mainly due to infection from neighboring diseased fruits. By selecting fruits, the source of disease is reduced and the storage of fruits is facilitated. In addition, the reduction of watering and foliar spray of CaCl2 before fruit harvest is beneficial to the storage and preservation of strawberry fruit.
Second, storage and preservation technology
1. Refrigeration: The suitable storage temperature for strawberry fruit is 0°C and the relative humidity is 90%-95%. Fruits should be pre-cooled to a fruit temperature of 1°C in time and then refrigerated. According to reports, the use of near-freezing temperature storage for strawberries (Baozhijiashengsheng) can achieve better preservation (refrigeration temperature is 0.50.2°C and relative humidity is 85-95%).
2. Atmosphere storage: immerse the strawberry fruit in a cooling mixture of 0.3% peracetic acid plus 50mg/kg gibberellin for 1 minute, place the cold liquid (0-1°C) to dry the liquid, and then put the fruit Into the box, and placed in a polyethylene plastic bag (thickness of 0.06mm), in the bag into the right amount of sodium sulfite and ethylene absorbent, tie bag mouth, for atmosphere storage (CO215% -20%, O3% - 5%, storage temperature 0 °C). However, it should be noted that CO2 in the storage environment should not exceed 25%, and O2 should not be too low. So as not to damage the fruit.
3, plastic film packaging: The general approach is to first hold the fruit in a small container (plastic box, fiber board or small bowl, etc.), cover polyethylene material film. Its role is to reduce the weight loss, the weight of the uncovered bags is 2.65%, and only 0.1% of the bags are covered. Second, it can significantly extend the storage period.
4, phyto acid dipping fruit preservation: 0.1% phytic acid + 0.5% sorbic acid soaked fruit, can be kept at room temperature for 1 week.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine

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