Causes of Rice Bacterial Wilt and Prevention Measures

Late single-season rice often has premature failure and blue and dry in the late growth stage, affecting normal rice grouting. Rice blight can be divided into physiological bluespot and pathological blight according to the causes. Pathological bluespots are based on pathogens such as bacterial wilt, bacterial wilt and bacterial wilt, and physiological blue and dry temperatures. Rice poor resistance, rice varieties and other factors.

I. Several types and symptoms of rice bacterial wilt

1. Physiological blue and dry

Mainly in the late rice filling stage, the diseased plant leaves wilting in the intestine, showed typical symptoms of dehydration, leaves and husks grayish, like cut down and spread the sun 1 day of green rice, the stem stem shrinkage, no lesions, easy Lodging. The onset of the disease is rapid, pre-morbid illness and healthy strains are no different, and often occur in large areas within 1 to 2 days.

2. Bacterial echinococcosis nuclear

The field often grows into clusters, and there are also a few strains in the disease. The basal tissues of rice plants are soft rot and have dark brown spots. The most recognizable feature is the peeling of the base leaf sheaths and stalks. There are many black sclerotia that are smaller than leek seed.

3. Bacterial base rot

Occurrence sporadically occurred in the field, with 1 to 3 strains in 1 point. The base of the diseased plant showed rotting gray. Features: Peel off base stalk, filled with stinky water, sterile core.

Second, the reasons

The physiological blueness of rice is mainly due to flooding of paddy fields for a long time. The rice root system has poor vigor and water absorption capacity. In the event of fine weather and dry hot wind, leaf evapotranspiration increases, water supply and demand become imbalanced, and water loss seriously causes large areas of blue and dry. For long-term deep-water irrigation in the earlier period, the land with shallow roots was heavy, the soil was shallow, the nitrogen fertilizer was too heavy, the plots lacking organic fertilizer and potash fertilizer, or the nitrogen application too late were also prone to blue-green. . At the same time, due to species-borne diseases and premature defoliation of rice caused by post-cutting water in the late period of bacteria such as Pediococcus rot, base rot, etc. can also cause premature aging, aggravating the occurrence of bacterial wilt.

Third, preventive measures

Once the blue and dry occurs, symptoms appear to be irreversible. For fields that are not diseased, water slurry management in the field should be strengthened, appropriate preventive measures should be taken to delay premature senility, increase production, and improve rice quality.

1. Strengthen the management of water slurry, do a good job of early cropping, promote the development of roots, dry and wet in later stages, and prevent premature water cut off. Generally, it is advisable to keep the wet surface till the rice yellow ripe stage.

2, rational fertilizer management, reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. The compound fertilizer was added in the early stage and the foliar fertilizer was applied in the later stage to maintain the root activity and increase the resilience of the rice plant.

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