Knowledge of vegetable harvesting

Harvesting is an important part of vegetable production and is often ignored by vegetable farmers. The maturity and harvesting time of vegetables will directly affect the quality, storage and transportation consumption and economic benefits of post-harvest vegetables. Harvesting standards are often measured by the color, texture and hardness of the vegetables, and the characteristics of growth and maturation. When the vegetables are mature, they often show the unique color and ripeness characteristics of the variety. For example, when the tomato matures, the color turns from green to white and then turns from light red to deep red. When the radish matures, the leaf color changes from dark green to yellow-green. Some vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, etc., are harvested when the fruit reaches a certain hardness, and softened when overcooked; while cucumbers, Dutch beans, should be harvested when tender, and overage will affect the taste. In addition, vegetables that are transported or stored long distances should be harvested in advance.