Rhizobium inoculation technique of alfalfa

The large-scale, intensive, and specialized production of the wolfberry industry has shown how to solve the problem of large-scale supply of alfalfa nutrients, especially the source of organic nitrogen fertilizers. If a large number of fertilizers are used to meet the demand for nitrogen fertilizers, the first is to increase the production cost; the second is that the quality of grass products is difficult to meet the standards of green foods, and for the inoculation of rhizobia for alfalfa, the symbiotic nitrogen fixation technology using rhizobia and alfalfa is used. , it is a good method of economic efficiency. Rhizobium is a bacteria that grows on the roots of leguminous plants. It can convert free nitrogen absorbed and fixed in the air into nitrogen that can be used directly at room temperature. Different leguminous plants have different rhizobia, about 90% of leguminous roots have rhizobial bacteria, and the nodules at the roots of alfalfa are commensals of alfalfa and rhizobia, and rhizobia needs water and carbohydrates. The minerals are provided by the well-developed root system of alfalfa; then the rhizobia use the absorbed and fixed nitrogen to supply alfalfa. The use of Rhizobium has a small investment, the cost of Rhizobium inoculant is only about 3 yuan per acre, but the amount of grass production can increase production by 20%-60%. Alfalfa is inoculated with rhizobia in a variety of ways. It is simple and easy to use. Users can choose the appropriate inoculation method according to their actual conditions. The amount of rhizobial bacteria used is usually 200-300 g/mu for domestic rhizobial bacteria, and 8-12 g/mu for “multi-emerging” rhizobia imported from the United States. 1. Add water to the powdery rhizobia agent (adhesive can be added), mix well with the seeds, and sow the seeds immediately before the rhizobia is completely dried. The mixed seeds that have been seeded should be sown on the day. 2. Before sowing, the rhizobial agent is directly poured into the seed box of the seeder, and after the seeds are completely mixed with the alfalfa seeds, the seeding can be started. 3. Dilute the powdery rhizobia agent with water and spray on the soil or seed to be sowed. This method is suitable for mechanical operations in large area sowing, and can obtain ideal nodulation effect. 4. Stir the sticking agent and rhizobia before sowing, so that it can be fully absorbed and adhered to the alfalfa seed and then sown. When inoculated with alfalfa rhizobia, it should not be mixed with various pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and other pesticides. If it is necessary to use it together with fertilizers, the rhizobia should be diluted. The rhizobia of alfalfa should be stored in low temperature and moist place. Avoid sunlight. At room temperature, the shelf life of domestic rhizobia is 6 months; the rhizobia are imported for 18-24 months.