Causes and countermeasures of the death of grafted seedlings

Rootstocks and scions are incompatible. The size of the affinity depends on the distance between the two. The seedlings of the same species have strong affinity and high grafting survival rates; seedlings of the same genus but different species are difficult or impossible to graft. Solution: When grafting seedlings, be sure to use strong, adaptable varieties as rootstocks. Grafting operations sloppy. When grafting, the anvil and cuttings are not even, and the forming layers of the scion and scion are not tightly aligned or in contact with each other. After the grafts have exhausted the water and nutrients in the scion, the rootstock can no longer supply nutrients and die. . Solution: Grafting operators must operate in strict accordance with the grafting procedure; the rootstock scion must be flat and smooth, and the two forming layers must be aligned tightly, and the interface tightly sealed and the membrane can not be prematurely resolved. Scion sprouting or thin budding. Late grafting in spring is too late. When grafting, the scion is already sprouting, and then the buds are quickly picked up. After the water and nutrients in the scion have been consumed, the interface has not yet generated a healing tissue that interrupts the water and nutrients; After a few leaflets, they lose their ability to grow or survive. Solution: Do a good job of scion storage, timely grafting, no sprouting scion and weak bud scion. The anvil is premature. In the beginning of spring, seedlings were sown and the seedlings were grafted in the summer and autumn. After cutting an anvil, the anvil would die together. The reason for this is that nutrients in the Seeds have been completed, and buds and rootstocks are starved to death due to the absence of leaves to make nutrients after an anvil is cut. Solution: First, after 10 days of living on the interface, the rootstock stems are broken at 5 cm at a distance of 2/3, leaving 1/3 connected, so that the upper leaves continue to produce nutrients, and the buds are pulled to maintain the life of the rootstocks. The buds grow to 30 cm in height and can produce nutrients before cutting them. The second is to leave 4 to 5 leaves under the interface when grafting. After cutting the anvil, nutrients are produced from the lower leaf to supply shoots, hair leaves, and rootstocks.

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