Watermelon fertilization tips

How to get watermelons sweet and refreshing is what every peasant farmer seeks, and only by continuously improving the quality of watermelons can they win the market and be loved by the vast number of consumers, and increase the yield and income of melon farmers. In order to improve the yield and quality of watermelons, it is necessary to achieve “five-increase and five-increase” in fertilization.

First, increase the application of organic fertilizer, should not be a single application of fertilizer before the watermelon sowing or transplanting, combined with 667 square meters of soil preparation into a fully decomposed high-quality organic fertilizer 3000-4000 kg and 80-100 kg of cooked cake fat. In watermelon vines, sitting period, according to growing trend per acre topdressing of human excrement or marsh fertilizer 100-150 kg. To improve the growth of watermelon, enhance resilience, increase production and improve quality. Never use a single chemical fertilizer. Fertilizer can only be used as a supplementary fertilizer in the watermelon field. It must not be used in large quantities to avoid lowering the sugar content of the watermelon and deteriorating the quality.

Second, increase potassium fertilizer, avoid excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer to increase potassium fertilizer on the metabolism of watermelon, carbohydrate synthesis, transportation and transformation are closely related. It can increase the assimilation efficiency of watermelon plants, enhance drought resistance and disease resistance, improve fruit quality, and increase fruit sugar content. Generally, 7-8 kg of potash (excluding nitrogen) is used as basal fertilizer for every 667 square meters, and 667 kg of potash fertilizer is applied every 667 square meters during the fruiting period, which can significantly increase the yield and sweetness of watermelon. Avoid a single excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer, according to the test, watermelon before sitting in the main nitrogen nutrition, sitting on melon after the absorption of potassium increased dramatically. If excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer, it is easy to cause vine leaf lengthened, delayed flowering, and even flowering results, and disease resistance weakened, watermelon sweetness decreased.

Third, increase the application of boron fertilizer, should not be applied to the chlorine fertilizer in appropriate amount of boron fertilizer, can effectively prevent the melon skin is too thick and hollow, there are significant increase in production, skin thin, sweet meat effect. Avoid the use of chlorine-containing fertilizers, watermelons are chlorine crops, after the application of chlorine-containing fertilizers, will affect the accumulation of sugar, so that the watermelon fruit flavor fades, commercial deterioration.

Fourth, increase the cake fat, avoid excessive use of human excrement When the watermelon has an egg size, dig a hole 10 centimeters away from the main root, each plant is fully fermented and cooked, 50 grams of cake fertilizer plus boron 2 grams, water after sealing the soil. Avoid excessive application of human excreta, excessive application, easily lead to plant leggy, sitting melon difficulties, thick melon, fruit taste sour, poor marketing.

Fifth, increase the spray of leaf fertilizer, should not avoid excessive fertilizer applied in the watermelon vine spread and fruit expansion phase of spraying 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, spray 50 kg per 667 square meters, spray once every 7 days, even Spraying 3 times can increase the sweetness. Before the flowering of watermelon and the beginning of the expansion of watermelon, spraying 0.1%-0.2% borax solution twice can make watermelon produce high yield and sweeten. Do not avoid over-dressing and over-harvesting of the watermelon. If the top dressing is too shallow, the nitrogen will evaporate easily, harm the leaves, and reduce the fertilizer effect. The top dressing must reach a depth of 10 cm or more and be covered with earth. The watermelon dressing generally requires about 10 cm from the main root. Too close is easy to burn roots and affect plant growth.

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