Nursery to guard tigers

The ground tiger is the main pest in the nursery. The heavier damage in my county is the small tiger. The worms occurred in 3-4 generations in 1 year, and most of them lived in shallow soil for winter. In late March and early April of the following year, the overwintering adults became heavily feathered. Other generations of adult worms were extremely irregular. Adults live in ecstasy, strong phototaxis, and tend to sweet and sour aromatic odor, and habits of supplemental nutrition, spawning after 3-4 days of emergence, eggs scattered or produced in weeds, seedlings, and even deciduous place. The egg period is about 5 days. Most larvae are 6th instar, 1-2 instar larvae live in weeds or leaves of young seedlings, scattered after 3rd instar, and after 4th instar, they are gluttonous. During the daytime, latent seedlings are in the topsoil of the roots, and they feed at night, often 1-2 times from the ground. The seedling stems at centimeters snapped and dragged into the hole to feed on them. Some crawled on the seedlings to feed on the upper tender stems or young shoots, which seriously affected the growth of the seedlings, resulting in lack of seedlings and cutting off.

The occurrence of small tigers is the heaviest for the first generation and is the key to prevention and control. According to the prevention and control practices in the state-owned nursery at Dongming Forest Farm and the state-owned Shawo Nursery, some prevention and control methods are discussed for reference only.

One, trapping. Utilizing the phototaxis and odorant properties of adult tigers, from the end of March to early April, a large number of adults were placed in the nursery to house black light bulbs and sweet and sour cans to trap the first generation of adults. This reduced the population density of the first generation larvae.

Second, artificial kill larvae. When the first generation of tiger larvae is seriously endangered, the pit is digged in the nursery, pits, rotten fruit and other ground tigers are placed in the pit to eat, and daily morning inspections are performed to eliminate the trapped larvae.

Third, chemical prevention

1. Spray seedlings and surrounding soil in the evening with 2.5% enemy liquid 1000 times.

2, with a silkworm Ling (25% of cyanide, Xin EC) 10ml1 Duishui 10-12mg, spraying seedlings in the evening.

The above methods control effects are all above 96%.

Electric Over Blanket is similar to Electric Under Blanket, but a bit different.

Electric over blanket is used by covering human body to keep warm.

Normally electric over blanket is not recommended to be used during sleeping, as it might cause overheating, although it has the function of overheating protection.

Normally over blanket shuts off after 2 hours, for the sake of safety.

Below image as reference:

electric over blanket

Electric Over Blanket

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