Grape's requirements for the environment

Core tips:
Grapes are a kind of wet and dry bogey plants. Areas with small rainfall, plunging conditions, and deep soil layers are more suitable for planting. Hillside slopes are often higher in yield and quality than plain grapes because of their ventilation and light transmission.
Grape is a deciduous perennial climbing plant, hi light, in full light conditions, the photosynthetic efficiency of the leaves is higher, the assimilation ability is strong, the fruit's sugar content is high, the taste is good, and the yield is high.
Grapes are a kind of thermophilic fruit trees and have a poor ability to withstand cold. Only when the temperature rises to 10°C does it begin to grow, and the optimum growth temperature is above 18°C. The germination period requires a lower temperature of 10-12°C. The temperature required for flower bud differentiation is higher and the optimum temperature is 25-30°C. If the temperature is lower than 14°C, the normal flowering of the grapes will be affected. The suitable temperature for mature period is 28-32°C, and the fruit will not be fully mature if the temperature is lower than 15°C. For areas with low winter temperatures, it is important to avoid cold damage when the grapes are overwintering. In particular, the roots of the grapes are poor in cold resistance. Generally, some varieties can be frozen at about -10°C, and care should be taken to protect them. In order to improve the antifreeze ability of grapes, cold-tolerant varieties or wild mountain grapes are commonly used as rootstocks for grafting.
Grapes are wet and dry bogey plants. The annual average rainfall in the area of ​​600-800 mm is most suitable for grape development. However, in China's main grape growing areas, the rainy season is mostly concentrated between summer and autumn. At this time, the temperature is relatively high. Most of the fruits enter the ripening period of berries, which can easily cause cracking or other diseases and reduce the yield and quality of grapes. The areas with small rainfall, water-filling conditions, and deep soil layers are more suitable for the cultivation of grapes, such as Turpan and Loess Plateau areas in China.
The adaptability of the grapes to the soil is very strong. In addition to saline soils with higher salinity, it can grow on all kinds of soils, and it can also grow normally on semi-weathered sandy soils with more gravel. Although the adaptability of the grapes is strong, the adaptability of different varieties to the soil pH is obviously different; in general, the European varieties grow better in the calcareous soil, the root system is developed, the fruit has high sugar content, good flavor, and is acidic. The growth on the soil is poor, while the hybrids of American and European and American are more suitable for acidic soils and the growth on calcareous soils is slightly worse. In addition, hillside lands are more light and airy than those in plain areas, and they are often of higher yield and quality.

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