Feeding rabbits should be cautious

Rabbits are herbivores, but not all forages are suitable for feeding rabbits.

Under no circumstances can feed the rabbit's forage: potato pods, tomato pods, larch, nasturtium, ramie, ragweed, aconitum, wild grape vines, and wolf eel.

In a certain stage of growth, it is unfavorable to feed the rabbit's forage: yellow and white flowers and trees are poisonous when the buds are flowering, so they cannot feed rabbits; buckwheat and rape can not feed rabbits during flowering; flax is poisonous when grains and crowns mature, and it cannot be fed. Rabbits; potato sprouts feeding rabbits can cause poisoning.

The fodder that cannot be eaten by lactating female rabbits: colchicum, wet forest, grass and jade plum, medicinal Buglossa, sour sauce, wild onion, stinking chrysanthemum, reed, tansy, etc. After the female rabbit eats the above-mentioned fodder, the milk has a bad smell, and the rabbit can cause poisoning and death after eating.

Canned salmon


Tropical Food Manufacturing (Ningbo) Co., LTd , https://www.tropical-food.com